Sunshine Corners
Sunshine Corners is primarily for students with IEPs and 504 plans which means that the majority of students have a documented disability. In Sunshine Corners we strive to help students who struggle to reach their God-given potential. There may be a situation where a student is performing more than a year or two below grade level and after trying remediation in Title 1 (which is offered 1-2 days per week) and through volunteers, it is determined more support is needed.
What if I know my child struggled at a different school?
If you know that your child may have been struggling at their previous school, we would set up testing for your student prior to their first day at NMCS. This helps us make sure that the student is put in the correct grade and allows for our staff to appropriately support our students.
Who should I contact?
Contact Pam Smallegan and Jamie Isanhart to learn more or if your students has been diagnosed or needs diagnoses in relation to learning disabilities. Mrs. Smallegan and Mrs. Isanhart are determined to get them connected with the correct programming and support system.